Boston-area schools have long been considered among the best in the country, attracting a large number of applicants every year, as well as our hometown’s designation at The Athens of America. In the years since the Pandemic, we have seen an even greater demand for the smaller classes and extraordinary educational and extracurricular opportunities they offer. As school counselors, we have seen many strong, wonderful students not admitted to the Boston-area day schools of their choice, simply because the demand far outweighs the available seats. This is even more true of our students who have learning challenges that require a more specialized education, where the options are even fewer and timing is of particular importance.

To meet this challenge, we often encourage our families to cast a wider geographic net, and this brings us to the boarding school option. Many parents have an initial reaction of, “I couldn’t possibly send my child away”, but as former teachers, counselors, and administrators at boarding schools, the McMillan counselors are able to help parents understand the unique benefits. The classes are small, the adult mentors are present throughout your child’s days, evenings, and weekends, the quality of education is equally rigorous, and many offer robust learning support. Furthermore, New England is home to dozens of amazing boarding schools for students in grades 6-12 so your child will be close enough for you to take in a game or visit for dinner. And yes, there exists a small group of schools specifically geared toward the younger students where your child will be nurtured, educated, and cared for by educators with a particular expertise in this age group. 

Here’s more about the 5 Cs that MakeBoarding School Special from our own Owl Boarding School Guide, our curated web site that offers detailed info on dozens of these schools.