Through House and Harkness, Lawrenceville challenges a diverse community of promising young people to lead lives of learning, integrity, and high purpose. Our mission is to inspire the best in each to seek the best for all.
At the heart of this great school is the belief that our students dig deeper, reach higher, and stretch further when they feel the embrace of supportive peers and the mentorship of caring adults who know when and how to challenge them. That’s the Lawrenceville difference. This sense of community is fostered by the close-knit House system where young Lawrentians develop a deep sense of belonging; it is forged around the close confines of the Harkness table, where masters engage the intellect, encourage students to grapple with ideas, and teach lifelong respect and humility.
Unique Characteristics
The House System is unique among independent schools in America and has been an important part of a Lawrentian’s life for more than two centuries.
Beginning in 1936, Lawrenceville reconfigured our classrooms to teach and promote the Harkness method. Lawrenceville’s educational focus, then, is not on teaching what to know but on learning how to think. And the key to our success is every Lawrentian’s commitment to approaching the work of school with an entrepreneurial spirit.