Rectory School, founded in 1920, is a coed, K-9 private school located on 138 acres in Pomfret, Connecticut. Rectory offers 5-day and 7-day boarding programs. At Rectory, understanding students and their unique learning styles is the priority. Rectory’s nurturing environment surrounds students with adults who believe they can succeed when they are given the tools that fit their particular learning style. Students are encouraged to reach beyond their comfort level, while building valuable life skills. Rectory’s challenging and supportive academic program enables the opportunity to create personalized learning plans that fit each student. All aspects of our program are rooted in the core values of the School Creed: Responsibility, Respect, Honesty, and Compassion.
Unique Characteristics
MELP is about pushing students beyond their boundaries, helping them see possibilities they wouldn’t otherwise see. Learning Services facilitates the students’ journey as they understand their strengths and challenges and become leaders of their own learning.