Lake Forest Academy, a co-educational boarding and day high school in the Chicago suburbs, offers a transformative educational experience through a culture of participation, characterized by rigorous academics, a global outlook and Midwestern values. The student body of 440 is composed of students from 38 different countries, 14 states, and 39 local communities who share the value of lifelong learning. Half of the students live on campus in one of the five dormitories, but both day and boarding students actively participate in school activities, foster their passions, and develop meaningful relationships with their peers and teachers. LFA’s proximity to Chicago and dedication to developing global citizens provide students with opportunities to expand their classroom beyond the measures of its 150 acre campus.
Unique Characteristics
Approximately 25% of the student body travels each year on domestic and international school trips to places such as Cuba, Kenya, Russia, Washington DC, and Navajo Nation, AZ. Independent Studies offer adv. level coursework on topics such as The Horseshoe Theory, Mobile App Development, and Baroque Architecture.